How big is the chance that I could be pregnant?


Hey guys, I could use some help and advice! According to Glow my period was supposed to be here Sept. 4th but my period is usually 2-3 days late OR early from what the app tells me. I still don't have my period.. I had protected sex Aug. 21 and unprotected sex Aug. 28 (he pulled out). I haven't had any pregnancy symptoms. TMI ALERT. I checked my cervix today and when I wiped off my finger, the toiler paper was slightly red/pinkish (spotting) and it was visible but I haven't seen anything else. There's nothing that's visible when I wipe. I don't know if that was period coming on or if it's implantation bleeding. I did buy some pregnancy tests today, both digital and non-digital. I'd like to know when it would be best to test! Thanks guys :)