Need advice


I've completed two <a href="">iui</a>'s with follistim at 100 at the beginning of the year. Both came up negative. Since then I've tried a few more cycles but haven't been able to get to the <a href="">IUI</a>. After five days of follistim at 100 my follicles would stop growing at around 14 and estrogen would either stay the same or drop. This round they bumped me up to 150. Yesterday I had 3 follicles at 14, 12, 11. My estrogen was 64. Due to the holiday I had to go in again Today to get on track with days and follicles are the same size but estrogen is at 60. They said if they don't grow and estrogen doesn't go up by Friday then it's cancelled and treatments will stop. My nurse said I will need to see the dr. In which case he will probably recommend <a href="">ivf</a>. Has this happened to anyone else? Is there anything else I can do aside from <a href="">ivf</a>? If this has happened to you and you decided on <a href="">ivf</a> was it successful? I'm so lost and upset. Not really sure what to do and ready to just give up. It's been 7 years of this. 💔