Angling hips for orgasm?


Is it normal as a woman to angle your pelvis in a certain position order to orgasm? The reason I ask is because since I've been with my boyfriend (first proper relationship), I haven't been able to orgasm with him, but I haven't been masturbating as much. So I've been masturbating a bit recently and realised when I masturbate I rock my hips at a certain angle and when I'm with my boyfriend I don't do it because I'm afraid it looks stupid and I feel embarrassed. I guess I am nervous and self conscious. But I tried it the last time I was with him on purpose and it actually worked, I orgasmed like I do when I masturbate alone. So.... just wanting to know this is normal and I guess should I just keep doing it? I want to cum more when having sex and I think this is what's holding me back.