FINALLY!! Figured out the cause of my infertility!


I haven't posted on here in a while, I've been taking a break from Glow, and even from TTC this month at all. I just had an appointment with my OBGyn. She found a 12 cm (centimeter!! Not millimeter!) cyst on my left ovary. It's almost the size of a baseball. It's actually bigger than my entire uterus! She said no wonder I'm not ovulating, and she wants to do surgery to remove it. While she's digging around in there she's going to do the HSG test to make sure my tubes are open, and shave down some fibroids she also found. She's consulting a fertility specialist before scheduling the surgery, to see if there is anything else they need to do while i'm on the table. I know that all sounds bad, but she says it's all really fixable and once I have the surgery I have a really good shot at getting pregnant naturally. Bummer that it feels like the whole past 8 months have been waste of time, but at least we have a plan now, and there's hope for us yet!