
Hi, on 26th of august I got symptoms of a UTI, white gunk from my uretha, blood and pain urinating went doctors got anti biotics but on the 6th September I started to itch down below again so I got the courage to get a mirror and saw white discharge which didn't seem normal and noticed it's from my uretha, (it doesnt feel as its from my vagina hole and I can tell it isnt) I am starting to swell and itch which is very uncomfortable, is there a chance I've been misdiagnosed and it could be uretharitis? and the anti biotics have only half worked for what I may have? It also isn't an STD as I have my first sexual partner for the past 5 months, he was with two girls before me but they was virgins and there wasn't anyone inbetween, I am only 16 so I am very worried and upset and find it hard to talk to my mother, please help!