Mile Stone

A year ago from today my ex totally my car while I was driving my grabbing the steering wheel and crashing it Into two different cars…We were together for 4 1/2 years prior to this…At the time of all of this going I was awaiting for my DNC b/c I was also pregnant carrying twin who had developing and no longer had a heartbeat and I was starting to show early signs of miscarriage this made my third miscarriage…I'm sharing this with you my <a href="">eve</a> friends to let you know to never settle for less and know your worth…Ladies it's not oh k for man to put his hands on your…Abuse comes in different stages mentally , physically and verbal.In life you will go through these stages in life some are good and some are bad but we must not make it oh k…Ladies you are queens and your here for a purpose and never let anyone take that from you…Never stop dreaming and always strive to be better…Take all negative things and turn it into something positive.