Ladies I need opinions


So I'm 16 and have been having sex with my boyfriend for about 3-4 months... after the first time we did it, I asked my mom to make an apt for birth control, telling her it was to regulate my period(half true). But when I didn't let her into the doctors office with me, she kinda figured something was up. I have to wait until October 3rd to get the Naxaplen. Fast forward to today; I'm talking with my mom, and discussed some concerns I had about BC. Since she already assumed I was having sex, I straight out told her, "I don't want to get pregnant but I don't want to gain that 30lbs" and SHE WENT OFF ON ME. she was going crazy about the idea that I was having sex with JUST CONDOMS. like I get they aren't 100% but it's better than nothing. And she's going off about how I'm going to hell and how I'm never going to be allowed to go off with my BF alone anymore.

Ladies, do you think she is in the right or the wrong with this?? And how do I handle this from now on?