"You can leave me to have a baby"


So my husband and I found out about 3 weeks ago now that he has low motility, low sperm count, and abnormal sperm and the doctor said we'll have a hard time to get pregnant on our own. We don't have the money for <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a> and right now, my husband doesn't even want to consider it because of the cost. To which I understand because it's a lot of money for something that's not guaranteed. But for me, I want to know as much as we can and do as much as possible to have a baby.

I feel horrible that I'm struggling with this so much that I try not to show him how upset I am because it's not anything he has done to have what he has. Some days I just can't help being sad or crying.... I try to hide it as much as possible because the other day he told me in all seriousness, not anger, that if I wanted to leave him so I have a chance of having a child and truly be happy, he would understand.

That broke my heart 💔 I know he must be struggling with this as well, especially because he knows how I've always wanted children. I tried to assure him that I love him and want to try everything possible to have his child. And if we can't have own own children that maybe being foster parents or adopting is what we are meant for.

Since we live in South Florida right now, we're preparing for Hurricane Irma... but once that passes, I want to do something nice for him to show him how much I love him and how much he means for me. Not sure what yet, but I'll think of something!