advice needed! Long..

My partner of 4 years and i have recently split up (about a month and a half ago). I havent cried, i havent been sad or shut myself away. i have this thought in the back of my mind like "oh we'll be back together soon enough" we have been on and off alot throughout our relationship but always got back together but i know this time is different..i love him off course, we still speak due to us having a daughter together but Why cant i get it into my head that its over? It doesnt feel like we are not together anymore and i need to stop thinking that this will have a happy ending because it isnt like the other times and i know he doesnt want to be with me. I dont text him or pester him, we are civil to each other and only talk when arranging visits for our daughter so its not like we still talk all the time and i havent seen him a single time since (he has his mother collect our daughter when its time for a visit) I dont understand why im not more upset? Im sorry none of this made sense but if anyone at all could maybe give me some advice it would be much appreciated. I need to stop waiting around believing he will come back and move on