Baby names

Sidney • 23. Mommy to a beautiful little boy as of 2/8/18 💙🤱🏻 Rip Oliver, our son may never get to meet you but he’ll know who you are 2/1/18

So, the father, his name is Oliver, wants to name his after his grandad. His grandad was his father figure, he basically raise him and I was all for it at first, my grandfather was the same for me. But then I heard the name, it's Terry. I didn't know how to tell him I couldn't do that. My Dad's name is Terry and he was never around, he was always messed up and high as a kite. When he did come around he would take us to bad parts of town to pick up drugs and leave us in the car for an hour, us being my siblings and me. His dad was the same way so I was hoping he wouldn't be upset, I even offered to make his grandfathers last name the middle name, it's Glaser. He got really upset and when I told him and was persistent on the name Terry and I told him no, I can't do that to my mom and grandparents. That would be so hurtful. My dad is sober now and more in life now that he is, but he still isn't around much. But he would never let us live it down, saying we named our son after him, when in reality it was Oliver's grandfather. I just can't hurt my family like that and quite frankly, even if they were okay with it, I don't want to name him that. When I said I couldn't do it to my family he pulled the "but you can do it to me card".

Mind you, he's a recovering addict, he's exactly like my dad except he want to get sober in his 20s instead of 40s, he's doing good too. When he said that though, I looked at him snd said "What if I wanted to name him Jerry?" Jerry is his Dad's name.

He got really quiet and said "I wouldn't like that very much". And says "We'll see" when I offered to make it Glaser for a middle name. I'm trying to meet him halfway, I get where he's coming from, but we have the EXACT same bring up in the sense of our Dad's and how our Grandad's were really our Dad's because of they were off on drugs, so I thought he'd get where I was coming from too. I've given it two months thought. He through that name in the mix when we found out I was pregnant. I tried to get on board for him, and I couldn't. So it isn't like I went LOL TERRY NO. I just want to know if you think I'm right for this or overreacting. I feel like I'm not overreacting only because he said he wouldn't want our son to be Jerry.

Sid note

His dad is Jerry mine is Terry. What's even more ironic is BOTH our mom's names are Amy 😂