Holy S#*T!

Denise • Mama to Gia, Kara, and Ellie!

I cannot believe my eyes! I'm only 8DPO according to my temps, 10 DPO according to my OPK's. I took this with a 4 hour hold, not FMU. I'm not really having any symptoms other than being a little emotional, and my boobs hurt.

I give 90% of the credit for this BFP to my Ava bracelet! This was my first full cycle using it. I also drank Fertili Tea, and we used PreSeed every time we BD. I'm so happy and excited. I hope so much that this is our rainbow! Never in a million years did I think it would happen this soon, we've only been trying 4 months! With our second baby it took almost 4 years!