How do you not lose hope??


So this might be a long post and I'm sorry I could just really use some kind helpful words ladies. First off I have been blessed with two beautiful children already ages 4 and 2. A year ago my hubby and me decided that we wanted to have our third child... a week later my hubby had a work accident with a chainsaw and his leg. The phone call from the hospital made time stop in my life, all I could think was he Okay?? what about our kids... I arrived at the hospital with our children and went threw the motions. my hubby was transported to a hospital an hour away for surgery, I only remember my mom taking the kids nothing about how I got to the next the hospital. My hubby got through the surgery and I was informed I was very luck to still have him... He recovered and we decided to start trying for our third. I wanted it so bad to make up for the bad... for both kids it took only a cycle to get pregnant so when it didn't happen the first month I thought well it can take a while but by cycle 4 I knew something must be wrong...long story short blood work showed I wasn't ovulating I was heart broken but doc felt it was from stress.. and to not give up at the year mark they would look farther into it. Then come to find out that my hubby needs more surgey. so I think God has his plans right and he's always watching over us so maybe it timing. Hubby has surgery and he's great 😍 I feel like we are finally back on track. so I decided to see if I'm still not ovulation and guess what I see that I am so I get my heart all geared up for a bfp and nothing...i tested at 9dpo and 10dpo and no that's early but ladies after 10 months I just really want this 😭😭😭 how do you guys stay hopeful that your time is coming? I'm so blessed to have my family but it just doesn't feel complete🙁 any words of wisdom would be appreciated... baby dust to you all!!!!🤰j