missing him

Just having a bad day. Without going into to many details I left my husband months ago when I found out he was cheating on me and taking our 5 month old daughter with him to meet girls online. We were supposedly working on things but he was still cheating on me and blaming me for everything. I thought I was a screw up, He really convinced me that I was the problem. He was mentally abusive and when I found out he was cheating he got physically abusive as well to not only me but our daughter. He started using drugs and he relapsed with alcohol. I had to get a restraining order against him and it was granted for almost a year, our daughter will be a year and a half when he can even legally see her again. I miss him like crazy and I know it's stupid because he's a terrible person but I want my family back. I miss who he use to be, who he pretended to be. My daughter deserves the dad he talked about being my whole pregnancy, I just wish he'd get his stuff together for his kids.