I feel like I can't take my toddler anywhere!!!

Brooke • Mother of 3! C-section mama, uterine rupture, and uterine resection. Long difficult journey to be a mama. Blessed with two boys & a sweet baby girl. (07/10, 02/16, 08/17)

My son is 18 months old and I can't take him anywhere! I always make sure he's clean, feed and rested before we venture out. Regardless of what I do, he will scream and cry over anything. I try to console him, but it doesn't work, he will push me away and turn his head so he doesn't have to look at me. I feel like a horrible parent...you know the one in the grocery store who has a screaming child, that everyone stares at while their child screams. Yup! I'm that mom. Yay me... 😳 Not! I am fed up, exhausted and embarrassed. In the start of the fits I try to offer his cup, offer something to eat in case he's still hungry and even take off his sweater in case he's hot. By the end of the fits, I just plain ignore it. Nothing helps 😭. Sometimes it gets worse, but most of the time he just keeps crying and crying. Anyone have any advise, thoughts or ideas? My oldest son never did any of this, so this is all new to me.