6 months of trying for 2nd bby. high hopes for this month...


We did the deed for 7 days straight during my entire fertile window. doctor doubled my Femara dose and still using progesterone. had an early acne breakout that was God awful right after ovulation, when it usually happens a day or so before AF. noticed today my Goobs felt heavy and a little tender, and I've had constant CV that usually goes away after ovulation then comes back a week or less before AF. last day of progesterone is Saturday so my period should show up a day or so after. I took a test today and could have swore I'd seen an extremely super light faint line, or maybe my eyes playing tricks on me... going to test tomorrow and Sunday if I can contain myself not to test again tonight... oh and I started having small cramps on my left side while up walking around that stop when I settled down (last month I had a cyst on both ovaries that caused the same pain bit it didn't go away so quickly) please someone tell me I'm pregnant lol make it so!