I think a young turk is crushing on me and idk what to do

At my gym one of the younger instructors is always giving me advice and complementing me and today I found a note by one of my favorite projects that I've been working on for awhile that just said "did you?" with a heart next to it. any excuse to spot me (essentially grabbing me if I fall) he rushes to make sure he takes it before anyone else. he'll say stuff like "oh, we should climb outside together sometime" etc and today while I was stretching we were talking and my shirt kind of gaped open so you could see the side of my bra and he's all, "ooh, orange is my favorite color too!" and then he blushed like he shouldn't have said anything. only thing is he's 21 and I'm 30! 😫 he knows how old I am. how do I turn him down gently?