Stupid dreams


Do you ever have a dream that feels so real, it’s hard to shake the feeling after you’ve woken up?

My husband and I came to help family and friends in Houston after the hurricane. Because of this, we’ve been totally off routine. No sex (we’re sleeping in his moms bed), little cuddling time, no sitting together on the sofa holding hands, not as much kissing- the intimacy is just off because we’re busy and around so many other people.

So last night I dreamt that he was cheating on me with his female coworker. I’ll admit, I feel a little insecure about this coworker. She’s pretty, intelligent, thinner than I am... but has he ever led me to believe he’d cheat? No. Has he ever said/done anything to lose my trust? No. But the dream makes me feel sick to my stomach.

Of course cheating dreams could mean so much. Feelings of insecurity, neglect, fear of abandonment, etc. I think it’s just because we haven’t been as close and intimate as we usually are (for over a week now).

I just wanted to get this off my chest because I’m OBVIOUSLY not going to whine about it to him when he has a ton on his plate with work... and it was just a dream. Lol