Baby James born at 32 weeks


My sweet boy was born on 9/5 (at 32 and 2). My water broke 2 days earlier and they gave me 2 steroid injections to help his lungs. They gave me mag to stop labor and antibiotics because I was ruptured. My labor went insanely fast once the mag wore off. I dilated quickly and didn't have enough time for an epidural!

Now he's in the NICU. The doctors say to count on him being there for 8 weeks. In the last 3 days, they took him off his CPAP, decreased his oxygen (he's breathing on his own), and have increased his feedings. I'm pumping every 2.5 hours with great output. He's getting phototherapy for his jaundice too.

Any other Momma's out there with 32 weekers? What was your experience? Any complications? How long was your NICU stay? This is the hardest thing I've ever gone through. My heart waits for the day we can bring him home.