I posted this picture yesterday, but now I'm giving back story. When I was younger I had chlamydia and I'm not sure how long I had it but when I got treated for it as soon as I found out. Since then I've had period problems where I go months without having a period and abnormal bleeding where I go months bleeding and that's the reason for the ultrasound. The doctors didn't see anything abnormal on the transvaginal and so they just prescribed me bcp. I'm 21 and what makes me think my tubes are blocked is all the young ladies my age get pregnant by accident and I can't even do it on purpose. I was married at one point and he would always tear me down on how I had a miscarriage and the girls who shouldn't even be mothers keep their babies. He would always tell me that God gave me one job, to be a mother, and I couldn't even do it and that's what made me a bad mom and bad wife. Now I've been divorced from him a couple months but I believe what he said. I don't think I can have kids and I always find myself crying about it. I don't get why ladies my age are just so fertile and popping out babies and I can't have a normal period to save my life.