Friend's ex might like me? Help!

OKAY! Let me first tell you guys some juicy history, okay?

Okie, so my "best friend" (let's call her "Bestie"; she's a fake friend but that's okay 🙃) use to have a thing 2 years ago in freshman year with someone (Guy A) that I'm good friends with till this day. She broke Guy A's heart to tiny bits and I had to help pick them up for him over summer when we were going into sophomore year for high school. Another year passes and now we're juniors today.

He's fine now but he legit hates her guts and I'm like whatever with her. She lies and tricks everyone into liking her and makes them fall to her knees without them even knowing, and yet she considers me as her "best friend" (I barely even see her at school and she doesn't even contact me at all).

Back last year in sophomore year, Guy A's best friend (Guy B) secretly started to like "Bestie" after "Bestie" and Guy A broke up. For some reason, Guy B decides to date her around Halloween last year... literally almost around a couple months later.

We all know the little fact that 'you can never date you friend's ex', and yet that's what Guy B did, without even telling Guy A!

Guy A found out a week later which made him upset but he's chill right now about it.

So back into today's present, Guy A and I are actually really similar and common: we play the guitar, we LOVE Disney, we can communicate to each other very well, and that if we ever try to fight, it always ends up with each of us smiling at the end (and many more but there's a lot, lol).

We always make each other laugh and most of our friends say that we fit perfectly together like puzzle pieces.

HOWEVER COMMA(!), a couple weeks into junior year right now, his friends that I know are saying that he should ask me out, but I'm like "NO, if "Bestie" finds out, she might kill me or him!".

I'm starting to see that he's getting very touchy with me lately by trying to touch my boobs and keeps looking down at my crotch while I'm doing work in class.

Homecoming is coming in about 2 weeks for my school, and I'm hearing that his friends are trying to make him ask me out to hoco and I don't know if I have feelings or not for him.

I do and I don't (yes, I'm one of those confusing women 🙄)

I'm not suppose to be like Guy B where you date your friend's ex, but love is SURELY stronger than I thought it would be and I just don't know what to do.

If Guy A does ask me out to hoco, should I say yes or no? If I say no, I'll hurt him sort of what like "Bestie" did, but if I say yes, I will surely hurt "Bestie" and that she will tell everyone and make them hate me.

Thanks for reading this, sorry this is long but I need some advice 😅❤️