How do I begin to deal with this


No harsh comments.

My mother has done nothing over the passed few months but send me text after text, in the middle of the night and it's obvious she's drunk. Just because I don't talk to her as much as she would like, because I have a job, and my own life going on. So since then I have blocked her on every social media I can think of. She contacted me yesterday through email again with the messages saying I'm selfish, threatening to tell my boyfriends parents about how selfish I am, etc. I just cannot handle the stress of her, especially right now and that's the reason I blocked her. It would be text upon text upon text and I just couldn't handle it anymore. My question is, what do I do about my baby shower? Family thinks I should invite her even though they know how much she stresses me out. And what do I do when I give birth? I told my boyfriend that I think we should just go and not let anyone else know I'm in labor, because then my mom can't get mad at me and think that I just left her out. I've been dealing with my mom and her mental issues for years and I understand it isn't something to take lightly, but at the same time I just cannot handle the additional stress right now. I've tried getting her help, and she won't get any. I'm just stuck between a rock and a hard place. Also yes I have tried to talk things out with my mother, but she is one who sees no fault in her actions, aka. drinking every night. I told her my child and I will not be around an alcoholic.