He says he loves me but does he really mean it?

So I have this really close guy friend who I've known for around 3 years now. We were first awkward with each other but now today we are really close. We contact each other everyday and that he would hang out with me whenever he can.

People think that we're like perfect puzzle pieces and that we should be together since we're not dating, however he's my friend's ex.

I Snapchat him everyday and out of nowhere he started to say that he loves me, but in a jokingly way when he pisses me off for fun. I'm starting to hear at school that he might have affection for me, so I'm not sure if deep inside he means it or not. We're both very connected and we help each other out all the time, to the point where we both said that we'll protect each other from harm or sorrow whenever something occurs. He only said it to me and I only said it to him.

But is he trying to drop hints that he loves me or not? I'm not sure and I'm starting to worry on if he does or not cuz I'm also hearing that he might ask me to go to homecoming with him possibly soon.