Should I Still Be Worried???

If I took Plan B the last day My period ended, could I be pregnant? This was almost 2 months ago and I haven't taken a pregnancy test at all. I haven't been experiencing any symptoms. My period was July 10 and it ended on July 17. July 17th is when I had unprotected sex. I took a plan b like 20-30 mins after the incident. He did ejaculate inside of me though but I took the Plan B very shortly after. I had withdrawal bleeding 4 days after taking the pill. It lasted about 4-5 days. Then I just got my period on August 17. It was a little over a week late. But it lasted a week which is how long it Always last. My next period isn't expected till September 16 now. Atleast that's what my tracker says. Could I still be pregnant even if I already had my period last month in August? I don't know when I ovulate. I heard people ovulate 14-16 days in their cycle. I took the pill the day my period ended. Could I still be pregnant now? I have no way to get a pregnancy test to know. Please help?