Pleaseeee let me know your thoughts!


Hi Girls! I'm 4dp5dt ... we've been trying for 3 years now and it's our 2nd Round of <a href="">IVF</a>. Since I've never seen even the slightest second line, I'm unsure if this could be our BFP. Please let me know what you think!! I do have to say to me it seems a bit darker and pinker in person. My camera isn't that great.

I know it's too soon and my BETA isn't until the 15th but I just couldn't help myself. We transferred two embryos...


Took another test this morning at 5dp5dt and it looks darker to me. My Husband thinks so as well...please tell me we aren't just seeing things...

**2nd UPDATE**

Took a digital test this afternoon at 6dp5dt and it's official!! I'm in such disbelief just seeing the word "pregnant" is indescribable. I'm over the moon elated and wishing anyone else on this journey nothing but happiness. It's been a roller coaster and the community of women on this app is blessing to have itself.

**Just wanted to share a photo showing the progression of the second line color of the First Response Tests in case anyone going through a similar journey wants a point of reference. It took a while for me to find a good one via google when I first took the test @4dp5dt

**3rd UPDATE**

Just in case anyone going through the <a href="">IVF</a> process would like to know how the BETA (blood test that measures the HCG hormone) numbers turned...1st BETA at 10dp5dt came out to 481....2nd BETA at 12dp5dt came out to 1602...3rd BETA at 16dp5dt came out to 7611.

First ultrasound is scheduled for Sept 28!


**4th UPDATE**

For anyone who was wondering IT'S TWINS!! We are so beyond excited. My doctor said that even though HCG levels are not always an accurate depiction of singleton or multiple pregnancy, he definitely thought there was a good possibility of two babies from the levels. Both had beautiful, strong heartbeats @114BPM and @115BPM. It was incredibly to hear them for the first time. They are measuring at 6W1D. It's been a long journey and I wish BABY DUST to each and every single person out there whose on this journey!!