when i was pregnant with my daughter's it was a breeze breeze but his is worry me

Ok my first daughter no morning sickness nothing. My second pregnancy I found out I was pregnant after a week I misscarried. My third (second daughter) just very tired that was it. Last year I miscarried (Missied Misscarge) at six weeks I felt tender all the time in my abdomen always felt like I was going to start. I am about 5 weeks 1 day so far. I have seen a dr yet but i go in on Tues. Everyonce and a while I will feel throbbing that last maybe 2 min. I will feel like I'm about to start and I guess pressure like I have to pee. I get hot flashes time to time. The occasional nausea and of course tired. Also im surper emotional I didn't get that till the 3 trimester. I'm not used to these symptoms and it worries me that im going to miscarry again.