How should i take this? 🙁 ***long post***

So me and my boyfriend have been together nearly three years. We hardly ever fought until I started going to his house, that's when I discovered he has a gaming addiction! Don't get me wrong, I like to play video games as much as the next person but I don't take it to the extreme like he does. I mean, he was spending over half his paycheck on video games, taking off work to play certain games, and staying up past 2 o'clock in the morning knowing he had to be at work at 9 am the next day so he could play. I would tell my sister and my friend about it, you know, trying to get advice. And they all said leave him, he's not going to amount to anything if that's his outlook on life. And I defended him, told them they were wrong until I was blue in the face. So fast forward, and we have a house together. I thought maybe all the craziness of buying a home would keep him off the game but he didn't change anything. I begged and begged for him to pay attention to me, explained what the games were doing to us, how I felt and nothing changed. I was still being ignored, and he was still spending ridiculous amounts of time on a fucking game. So I cheated and told him about it. I was fully prepared to leave him, had his bags packed and everything. And instead of keeping this between us, he goes and tells EVERYONE he knows that I cheated, leaving me feeling like a total piece of shit and going around kissing everybody's asses until I feel forgiven. So we're back together now, and sometimes I hear him and his friend's making fun of me. It pisses me off and makes me feel really disrespected because what man sits back and lets someone bad mouth his girl? So we went out with friends last night, and all I wanted was a little us time before he got on the game, and I told him this. And as soon as he step foot in the door what does he do? He goes straight for that fucking game. So I say something about it, not in a mean way, just like 'hey baby can we watch a little TV first' and he makes this big deal out of it. Throws the controller at me, and tells me to 'do whatever'. So I pick something, and I look up to see his face into a game on his phone. So I said, 'baby watch this with me' and he makes a big deal about that. So it causes a fight, naturally and he ends up deleting all his Xbox games and making a big deal about that and blah blah blah. So I'm like, no I didn't want you to do that, all I wanted was for you to watch a show with me. So I try to reinstall them, and he threathens to smash the Xbox if I do so I just leave it alone with him. I message his gamer friend and to see if he'd convince my boyfriend to reinstall the games, he said he would, no biggie. So this morning, me trying to be a good girlfriend, I reinstall all the games I can remember him having, and make him something to eat to make up for last night. And everything's fine and dandy until I decide I wanted to know what his friend said last night and I find these messages. Like.. WHAT???? He made me feel so awful and made it sound like he did this great service by 'deleting' his

games and he never really did? And then his friend is like 'nice', like good job. I'm just so pissed right now, I don't even know what to do. What would you ladies do? And please don't say leave me, because I can't. I can't afford our house without his paycheck so I'm stuck kind of.