10 day period?


I never usually post, but I am so confused and very interested to hear if this has happened or happens to others, and what it could be from! I started my period on the 31st of August, when it started I was shocked as I had just had my period from August 15th-19th! I am now on day 10, and my period is seemingly worse in all symptoms and heavier and is a lot of clotting (I feel like this is TMI, sorry!) I also am extremely bloated, cramping so badly and so emotional and stressed I just feel like I'm falling apart. My nerves are just on edge, how long can this last? I'm not a stranger to getting my period irregularly but I've never bled this long with the exception of post partum with my 3 children (11, 8, & 41/2) I'm not ignorant to periods either, I'm nearly 35 years old. Has anyone else experienced a period like this so randomly? Or have this happen to them?