To my unborn

Carol • Mother to a 8 and 4yr old . And newly pregnant with my first daughter

To my unborn , I'm sorry my body couldn't keep you safe . I wanted you more than you would've ever known .

You would've had a big brother , he kissed you on a daily basis , he always rubbed you . When I took my prenatal vitamins , he always said it was to feed the baby . He's only 2 , but he knew you were inside of mommy . He was excited when I told him you were in mommy's belly .

your dad was over the moon excited , you couldn't feel it , but he kissed you every morning and every night , and throughout the day . I talked to you . You would've had him wrapped around your little finger ; I just know it .

You couldn't hear me , but I talked to you when I was walking around , I talked to you in the shower , I talked to you while I was bent over the toilet vomiting , my last talk to you was in the hospital ; I kept telling you to please hold on , that everything would be okay ; and how much I love you . Not knowing you had already went to sleep for eternity . I promise you that we'll never forget you .

I never met you , but I love you

I never touched you , but I felt you

I never saw you , but I miss you .

P.S We didn't know what you were gonna be , but we named you Taryn Elizabeth Jones

7w4d 9/02/2017