Ladies using letrozole and many cycles did it take for it to work?


I feel like Im ready to give up and stop trying. We've been ttc for over 6 yrs with 2 miscarriages and 1 ectopic. My specialist has me on rounds of femera/letrozole and the trigger shot ovidrel with timed intercourse. It seems like nothing is working. Found out yesterday my sister (who has 3 children already and knows my struggle) is pregnant and due on my anniversary!! 😡 I know she has no control over that but I think its effecting me then i thought it would. Now Im ready to throw in the towel and just be done with it all.....meds, dr visits (which are 2hrs away from my house) stressful times intercourse. I wonder if the result is worth all this pain, stress, heartache, and soul crushing bad news every month......

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