Restrictive dieting for kids (read description)


Before I get started let me clarify - I am in no way knocking the vegan/organic lifestyle. I understand the health benefits & I agree completely with giving kids healthy, balanced diets.

Ok so, I work in childcare. One of my students (2 years old) is on a strict vegan, organic diet. She has never had salt, processed sugar, meat, or dairy. Everyday her mom packs her a lunch so she doesn't have to eat our food. I feel bad for her because, although she's getting proper nutrients, she's excluded from everyone else. She's always trying to grab other kids food so we have to keep a really close eye on her & on days that we have special treats (occasional cookies or popsicles) she's not allowed to have them. My question is, do you agree with restricting a child's diet and not letting them have any freedom to try new things. Or do you think that kids should be able to taste and try new things (in moderation)

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