Hemorrhoids - Help

So over the past few days I had a huge hemorrhoid come out of some corner of hell, being so painful that I couldn't walk and even when laying down I couldn't find relief from the intense pain.

This happened a year and a half ago too, and I was bedridden for a week. I thought it was a pulled muscle though, since it appeared after lifting too heavy of weights while squatting. Again, this is the worst pain I've ever been in.

I'll do ice, take a bath, and use prep H cream, but it only does so much. Because these roids have been SO debilitating and are internal-then-swelling-externally, I am super afraid they will continue to surprise me every now and then. I don't know why I get them, as I eat tons of fiber and drink a lot of water (I'm vegan), and don't deal with constipation. Does anyone know more about roids than I do? Is this really serious? Could it be a sign of something else? And if you have any tricks or tips please let me know!!!