Family Help Alert: Passing Of A Little Angel

Everett • Hey everyone, we need your support in this fundraiser, please have a look - 'Passing Of A Little Angel'

Our post in go fundme: "On Friday, September 1, 2017 my fiancé and I thought it was normal day. We were finally far enough along in our pregnancy to reveal the gender. Only we decided before to get our whole family ready that we would have a gender reveal party. This was to celebrate know with the rest of our family a new life coming into the world. Friday I had a 36 week pregnant woman take photos of Lorelei over and over without saying a lot. She left the room and I said "congratulations" she said nothing. This should've been my first clue. The staff was hesitant to come in and all I remember is her telling me my OBGYN was calling with news of the ultrasound. I picked up the phone to an introduction and the news that our daughter wasn't developing correctly. We learned that there's a high chance that she wouldn't make it even if she was born at a later date. We had no other questions to be asked because it was a Friday on a memorial weekend and all doctors had left for the day. We waited until Tuesday, September 5, 2017 to see another radiologist tech, geneticist, and doctor. I only read Lorelei's tech report for the gender appointment. It was earth shattering. The baby was collecting fluid bigger than her infant self and had a heart defect. We had no choice but begin the process of letting go of our precious life that was already slowly dying inside of me. Lorelei was given maybe a week or two to survive and being worried about what is called "mirror syndrome" the doctors were worried I could or would mimic the symptoms of our dying daughter. Long story about the process short I finally pushed Lorelei out. September 8, 2017 was the day our family said goodbye to an already deceased daughter. Washington state law requires any family after gestation 20 week pregnancies to contact funeral homes and make arrangements for the infant. I have talked to the cheapest home in Snohomish county and they're estimating $2000 to bury our little one. I know that cremation is an option and probably cheaper. If you've ever lost a child like I have you can understand why I wouldn't want her cremated. I don't have much emotion to begin to make you understand why my family and I want and need this. I am reaching out to my community for help and family and friends so that Lorelei can leave the hospital and finally be at peace at a place we can go visit and mourn our daughter. I hope that you can find it in your heart to help us as soon as possible so we can finally put Lorelei to rest. Bless you all who are reading this and bless you all who can help at any cost to be done with the second half of our grieving process. We love you all for your emotional and financial support. Lang&Stach;&Schmelzer; family with love.

Please have a look - 'Passing Of A Little Angel'