So I feed my 4 week old baby boy for 20 min each on each boob and then take him off cuz if I didn't he wouldn't stop. He cries and I feed him again, but I'm worried I'm feeding him too much?

Tamara • Mommy to my 2 beautiful baby boys, Nathan Louis💙 born August 12, 2017 and Parker Joseph May 6, 2019❤️ My whole world😍

He'll also take the pacifier but keeps spitting it out.. if I hold it in his mouth he'll keep sucking on it otherwise he spits it out.

I'm not sure if he's hungry or just wants something to suck on?

I feed every 3 hours during the day and on demand during night. But he cries once I take him off the boob so I feed him once again when he does that