I moved out


I turned 18 in August, me and my boyfriend started talking right after (we knew each other before just didn't know we had a connection until recently). Well he was going through a court case AGAINST my family, it's been going on for about a year and I don't agree with what my family says he done, I know what happened and decided to take his side, whether we were together or not. Well because I took his side my parents got pissed. I got kicked out so I moved into his house with him, his parents and younger sister. It's a bigger house so it's not super cramped or anything. They try so hard to make me feel welcome, his mom and dad automatically told me I could move in with them, they buy me stuff for my lunches at work when they go grocery shopping, last week they gave me $50 to finish up paying the sales tax on my new car, they are so nice and they never ask for anything in return. But I miss my family, my dad called me yesterday and told me that he wanted me to come home, and I love my boyfriend but I just miss my family so much. I can't help but want to go home. Where I have a room to myself, where everything has a place it goes instead of all in boxes and bags, where I grew up. Is it normal to feel this way? Am I being super emotional about this? I feel like if I told my boyfriend he would take it as "I don't want to live with you."