
My boyfriend is deathly afraid of marriage and even the idea of me moving in with him permanently scares him. He's totally committed to me and loyal, that's not really the issue. I'm not sure exactly what the issue is but it's something obviously he's voiced to me.

Me however, I would love to get married, I would love to move in with him (we have been together nearly a year now and still he tries not to think of me living with him when I bring it up - so atm still doing sleepovers). I don't see the marriage thing as necessarily the issue, but part of me maybe feels like I'm not worthy enough for him? But the weird thing is I know his fear is absolutely nothing to do with my own sense of worth at all. I can't explain it!!

I told him when we first dated that the next guy I am with I plan it to be lifelong. He knew that and accepted me as his girlfriend anyway, but when I bring it up he will say something like "who knows I might not even be alive next year"... for me that's like, well all the better to enjoy our time together right?

He's a lovely guy but this weekend was my mother's wedding and he was my plus one. My whole family have accepted him and it just seems like a big deal if he doesn't even want to think about where things might be heading. They are all waiting for him to propose to me.

He's a very philosophical guy and tries to be "here and now" so I can understand his point of view, but I was really upset yesterday after the wedding got us talking about it and things got a little intense. I want to marry him, I love him, I see myself waking up to him every morning, and seeing his smile. He is wonderful. What do you do when you never know if they will find the courage to take the relationship further?

Or am I just complicating it all in my head and making a big deal out of nothing? I would like some advice/insight/consolation please. Thank you.