Spotting/Bleeding on Sprintec


I got on birth control back in May, and originally was on Mononessa. I had zero problems with it, other than the fact that it cost $27 a month. I took it for about 3 months, then when I went to find a cheaper place to get my birth control, I was given Sprintec for $9 a month, which is the generic for Mononessa. Well, I've learned that there's a reason why my birth control cost so much more. As soon as I started Sprintec, I started spotting. Literally at the most inconvenient time, too. I had been planning a sexy surprise for my boyfriend's birthday but couldn't follow through because of the damn spotting, plus vaginal soreness. Eventually it stopped, but it freaking started again. For the past two weeks, I've been spotting dark brown stringy stuff, which I can only assume is my uterine lining. But today, I started actually bleeding. As I was changing I noticed that there was a lot of fresh, bright red blood in my underwear. I'm so frustrated with bleeding and I'm on the verge of tears because I just feel so gross and I don't feel normal. Should I go back on my previous birth control, or wait it out to see what happens? I don't know what to do. Also, if anyone else has been on Sprintec, did you have the same issue?