In labor!


My due date is technically on 9/14 (based on LMP), but I've been going by the 12th all along, because I know I ovulated 2 days early, and my first ultrasound confirmed it.

I haven't been dilated or effaced AT ALL at any appointment. I started having cramps in the middle of the night last night, and by 6am I was having painful contractions every 2-3 minutes that were about a minute long. I took a LONG shower, and prepped myself for going in the hospital. I had a regular 40ish week check up this afternoon anyway, so I called my doc at 9am and asked if I could come in and get checked before going to L&D.; I was checked at 9:30 and I was only a centimeter and about 50% effaced. I walked around for about an hour and a half and was in severe pain, so I was checked again and I was at about 2cm. My doc told me I was ok to head to the hospital if I so chose. I labored without drugs for another 2.5 hours and tried then tried nubain. It took the edge off, but it by no means erased the pain. I was 3.5 centimeters with a bulging bag around 3:30pm, so I went ahead and got the epidural. FANTASTIC DECISION. I instantly felt at ease. My water was broken at about 5pm, and I was 4cm. Kiddo has been sitting high, though. I just got checked, and I'm 6cm and my contractions have remained consistent on their own, but thanks to this epidural, it's nothing more than pressure. They put in a catheter to drain my bladder and propped my leg up on a "peanut ball," and that seems to be helping kiddo move down a bit.

And now we continue to wait! The pain was intense this morning, but the epidural has been phenomenal. Before the pain meds, I labored in a tub at the hospital, and that helped manage the pain a lot too. We aren't out of the woods quite yet, but I know I will see my son soon!!!

To everyone freaking out because you haven't been dilated at your appointments, DONT WORRY! It seriously means nothing. I went from completely closed to in full blown labor within hours.