I'm losing my love


So i have fallen in love with this guy. He is amazing. Sometimes he has mood drops though. At night he says he doesn't want a relationship but then in the morning he wants me. He took my virginity. He was my first kiss. He has been my everything. Now he doesn't know if he wants our relationship anymore. He says I don't make him happy anymore. I've tried to make him smile. He has made me so happy. We talked about our future. I want to stay with him. I prayed for us to be together I know it's foolish. I want him to be happy with me. He made me cry at school today because i tried to hold his hand but he didn't want it. He is all I ever wanted in life. I have changed my schedules to have more time to be with him. He said he wanted some space.. I have been trying to give it to him. It's just hard to see my love and not give him my all. I don't know what I'm going to do if I lose him. My life has been hard. My dad doesn't want anything to do with me now. My sister has left us. My mom and stepdad fight all the time and he is my only escape. It will be hard if he leaves me. I can't just let go of him that easy I have grown attached to him, to his presence, to his safety. I don't want to lose him


He just told me he doesn't want me. He is at a basketball game with another girl