Boyfriend Issue

So me and my boyfriend got our first apartment and have been staying together for about a year now. We've been having this issue with my car. We've been with each other for 9 years now we met when we were 12 and we've basically grown together learned from each other so when it comes to helping he each other we don't hesitate. He doesn't have a car but I have absolutely no problem sharing with him until he gets him one. We work near each other too so carpooling was definitely not an issue with me.

This is the problem whenever he goes to leave he says "I'll be back" that's it. Doesn't say where he's going or when he'll be back or even if he's taking my car or not. Whenever he'll say this I'll then ask "Where are you going?" Because I'm literally just making sure I know where he is in case anything happens. He gets super offended everytime I ask he'll catch the biggest attitude and say where he's headed but he says it like I'm supposed to fucking know. Like he told me before or some shit. Then we'll get into a fight about it and he'll end up walking to where ever he's going because I feel like if he doesn't think I should know where he is in my car then he shouldn't be using it. Everytime we talk about this he just says "okay" "is that all" he acts like he understands but he clearly doesn't but he still doesn't let me know he just leaves and it's annoying and rude ! I decided to not let him use my car anymore but it's so much tension or he'll literally use that against me like if I ask if he can run to the store for me he'll say "no because you don't like me using your car"

Has anyone had this kinda problem or maybe some advice so he'll see where I'm coming from because I'm at the point where it's like screw this!