SOS! Pill Recommendations


I was on the pill (Sprintec) about 2 years ago and it didn't really agree with my body. It caused me some mild weight gain, a bout with acne, and it never helped my periods. It was an estrogen progesterone mix. I was then on the shot until April of this year and that didn't agree with me either. I gained 40 pounds, my acne turned so bad that I had to go on prescription medication for it, and I was diagnosed with insulin resistance due to the weight gain caused by the shot. The shot is progesterone.

Can someone please recommend a pill and let me know some of your favorite things about it?!

Ps. I am not taking these recommendations solely on other people's experiences! I'm just trying to get a few brand names to research and see which I feel might be right for me. I know that everyone reacts differently!