First Visit After BFP

Madisyn • Married to my Marine 💙❤️ Mommy to our Angel Holden💙👼🏻 32 Weeker Premie Momma June 2019 💙 🌈 Dog Mom to a yorkipoo & a toy poodle🐾 Small business owner 🎀 MO➡️NC➡️CA

I have a random (&I; probably dumb) question! My husband and I are new to TTC baby #1. I currently have Tricare Prime and I was wondering what the process was if/when I receive my BFP on a HPT. Do I just call my PCM at the Naval Hospital to make an appointment for the blood test and tell them that I got a BFP at home? I'm just curious about how this works. I want to wait and tell my husband after the hospital confirms my levels. I am just hoping it's not a long time frame from the HPT to the hospital confirmation!

Thank you advance ❤️