I'm trying Mucinex and Baby Aspirin! And I need a cycle buddy! 🤗


Lol so I have been trying to conceive for 18 cycles. I've tried preseed, supplements and I'm back to the doc tomorrow to discuss "further options" 😣. So this month I'm trying Mucinex!! It's silly I know. I haven't had ewcm since my early 20s (I'll be 28 this month) and I've read the guaifenesin in Mucinex that works as an expectorant can help cervical mucus.

Baby aspirin is also new to the mix. I've read that baby aspirin (81mg or less) can help with blood flow and reduce risk of miscarriage and chemical pregnancy.

👋So if you ladies want to follow I'll be posting my results on this thread.👍👎

Here's what I'm doing: I'm taking one 12 hr tablet twice a day (morning/night)

I'm also taking prenatals and the newly introduced baby aspirin in the morning. I started the day after my period ended (9/11)

Disclaimer: I'm not a doctor or a nurse just a lady trying to have a baby with the man I love. If it works, GREAT! If not, I'll have a clear nose and slightly less of a headache 😂

✨✨✨✨WISH ME LUCK!! ✨✨✨✨

Pic for attention and cycle buddies!