A post to maybe make you laugh.


This morning I had to most ludicrous dream but I loved it. I dreamt I was on the cruise ship (I'm sailing out on the 30th) and I went to use a public bathroom and in said bathroom two girls were making fun of me like we were in grade school. It pissed me off and I was absolutely beside myself. So when they left the bathroom I left shortly after. I watched where they went and saw one of the girls had a very attractive boyfriend. (It was Liam Hemsworth) I guess in my dream I wasn't married or a mother. 🙄 so what did I do? Why the only logical thing any single woman would do. I stole her boyfriend. 😂😂

Soooo I woke up pretty hot and bothered. As anybody would be. And as it turns out my husband was too!! So we got right to it and I knew my fertile period was coming up but I was certain it wasn't here yet. So when he was about to finish up I told him to stay put! That he need not to worry about pulling out. Because I'm going to be honest, it's been a hot minute since I've been really IN to it. So it was some of the best sex we had for just a morning quickie. I went and looked at my glow. I'm on my peak fertile day. 🙄

Soooo I may or may not be pregnant on the cruise ship.

Thanks a lot Liam Hemsworth. 😒 I'm telling Miley.