Story time-Crushing, what should I do?


Ok, so there are two guys in my mythology class that have kind of captured my attention. One is in the army, he's going to Egypt in a few months. Super nice, hella attractive, loved listening to my story about how my grandparents got together, and today he looked at me before anyone else and smiled! Guy two is dark and mysterious. He is super intelligent and I really would love just to have a long deep conversation with him because his perspective on what we learn is extremely intriguing! He also had piercings, which I'm attracted to. But my real question is how should I go about asking one of these guys for their number? It's only the third week of class, so should I maybe wait it out to see if I talk to them enough to ask for their number comfortably. Or should I just go for it now despite that my anxiety would probably get the best of me?