My NP just referred me to an RE, what to expect next?


I have no idea what to expect other than she said they will order tests and an SA to see what the problem is. I'm 30, never pregnant and have very irregular cycles ranging from 30 days to over 90 at any given point. I have been off of birth control for ten years and have been NTNP most of that duration. I'm really not interested in <a href="">IVF</a> and <a href="">IUI</a> and invasive procedures and I'm afraid that's what this place is going to suggest as that's all the website mentions. We're with Kaiser and have to travel a few hours away once we do go and I'm really anxious. My NP said I should hear from the RE facility in a few weeks and that they'd first do a phone appointment. Does anyone have any experience with Kaiser and maybe gone through this process with them?