

I am currently sitting awake...going on two hours of a fussy crying 9 month old who won't nurse (will just bite me), does not take a pacifier and won't sleep!! That's not the problem. I deal with nights like this often, my issue is my husband! It's his night off, I don't ask for his help often (if at all!) and all I frikin wanted was for HIM to be the one to stay up with the baby for a little bit. I brought him out to him and I went back to bed. 15 minutes later he comes in, saying he wanted to nurse...which I know my son. When he wakes up at night he's up for at least an hour. I told him, he's not going to go to bed. He said he would let me sleep in an hour in the morning after the baby woke up if I could stay up with him and he could go to bed then. (Whoopty frikin doo, a whole hour!) Anytime I ask him for help (such as this time) he goes on a rant about how I do such a good job, better than him, I'm a super mom. It used to be flattering, now it's feeling like a cop out! A way to have me do everything without feeling like he's slacking. I'm tired! I have taken ONE 30 min nap in 9 months. I have slept in ONE day in 9 months (sleep in meaning until 8:30). I have taken ONE relaxing bath in 9 months. I work part time, do ALL the housework and take care of the kids. He does help me with the baby during the day time when I ask, such as getting him away from wires or when he crawls into a different room. But that's about it. I'm so sick of it! I need more help from him! He was not like this when we first got married, he's gotten SO lazy. I feel like I do everything by myself. And yes, I have expressed this to him. He blames gaining weight and again, that I'm better at it than him. And that he'll work on it. Which he obviously isn't. I feel like I'm losing love for him because of this and it makes me so upset! I need him to try harder and he's just not!