A lot on my mind

This glow community means a lot to me. To some you may have found friends, to others maybe it's a part of your day to scan through the feed & comment, like, or add to a post.

For me this is my outlet. I'm pretty open with my friends & family. But there's only so much you can say. I don't want to end up fighting with my husband so a lot of what I keep inside goes on here...

We have been going through a big financial set back. My husband & I have never been in debt throughout our lives. We have been fortunate to grow up well. Not wealthy;just well & I consider it a blessing.

Fall is my favorite season of all & I always look forward to decorating. For the past 4 years I've decorated with things I've picked up, accumulated (almost all from dollar tree or 99 cent store). I've always made it our home look as good as it can. I know it's not a big thing to some people, but it's a big deal to me to be able to fix up my home. Every year I would tell myself "Next year maybe you'll be able to afford cuter & newer decorations." I thought this year would be different, but it's a lot worse & harder.

We are 3 months behind on our mortgage. I'm pinching pennies left & right. Looking up ways to save & make money. I don't turn on any lights in the house until it's dark outside. I don't do laundry during "peak" hours, I've cut back on our grocery bill, etc. I just don't know what to do anymore.

I used to dream about decorating our house someday to my liking & now we're struggling to even live here... feeling very down & discouraged.

No judgment please. Just words of encouragement & help if you've been down this road before.