Please pray!

My family is a Christian family except my older sister. She has three sons and isn't married but has a boyfriend that doesn't love her oldest son who has been getting suspended from school because he's beating kids up and bruising teachers. He is almost 7. He's not happy where he is and needs to come live with my mom and dad. The other two sons are twins at 10 months old. She told my mom today that she was pregnant again and is having an abortion. We are against abortion but are not judgmental about it and it's breaking my mom apart. I have only seen my mom cry once when I was younger, and today she came into the living room in tears. My sister has no job and her boyfriend is a drug dealer for a living. We just need prayer that we would show my sister compassion and sympathy. As much as she wants this abortion, it's still her child and eventually, she will be sad about it and maybe regret it. So please pray that we would show her love and compassion when she needs it. And pray for her as well. When she told my mom she said, "please don't cry and make me sorry I even told you" please pray that she'd also show love and sympathy towards my mom. She's killed her grandchild. My nephew/niece, her children's sibling, etc. I pray that she would show as much compassion and sympathy to us as well. She's just messed up her life so much and it's hurting my mom. Sorry for the long post. We just had a little bit of a hard day and need some prayer.