Canada Small Business/Mat Leave

Hi everyone,

I was wondering if i could get some advice from fellow canadian ladies that might know a bit about the tax system!

Right now I'm getting my small business off the ground and the next step is to register the business in the province i live in as i want to be able to grow it so i will not have to work under a company and just for myself within the next 2 years.

Now this is all happening around the time that my husband and i are trying to have a kid(not pregnant yet!)

i work a full time job and am eligible for the full year of mat leave benefits pay from our government.

i have read that if you are "working" and linked to another job while you are on mat leave they take away everything you make from that and deduct your benefits pay.

I do not make enough with this side job to have the business registered so they can take all my benefits away for the year i am off with the future baby.

should i hold off on registering the business till my year of mat leave is up?

