Policing and Breastfeeding

The police station where I am assigned is about 3miles aways from home. Our duty schedule is 24 hours duty 24 hours off (9 am in until 9 am the next day). My daughter is 22 months and still breastfed. Eversince, I am juggling my time to work and to breastfeed. Before, every 3PM i'll leave the office and get back at 6 or 7pm. Anyway, my designation is in the admin. Now, i only leave the office at 5pm and back at around 7pm. At night, every after my duty sentinel sched (that's one hour, most of the time my schedule is 1-2am), I go home to sleep beside my daughter so that I can feed her and get back by 6 or 7 am or sometimes earlier than that and take the off at 9am. Previously, I ask my admin officer if I can be put to daily schedule (8am-5pm Mon-Fri) since my designation and office works only needed at 8-5 but she said that we are lacking of personnel to do the sentinel duty at night and I should not worry since I can still go home at night. Now that my admin officer is on training until the November, my team leader is insisting that should sleep at the station and asking me if why I am still breastfeeding my daughter at that age. I tried to ask them (the seniors) if I can be put in a daily schedule and they did not allow me. What should I do?